Artificial Intelligence
(How not to) use AI
During Indian elections, Congress party gave a fine lesson of how not to use AI...
Pizza Party for Middle Class…
Sad state of middle class which gets neglected by all political parties...
Big Fat Indian Wedding
Recently I came across a quote on Twitter which said, “If you’re not a socialist at 20, you’ve no heart. If you’re socialist at 40, you’ve no brain”. As someone in mid 30s, I can very much relate to it. It may also help explain some of the media headlines Read more…
Travel, travel and more travel…
Both my wife and I get 24 vacation days every year. It’s mandatory to use minimum 12 days out of those 24. If you don’t do that, good folks in Human Resources question employee’s manager about associate not taking time off. As a result, we try to have 2 trips Read more…
Democracy in Danger
For Indian political parties “Democracy is in danger” is a very popular slogan these days. Honesty speaking, they’re absolutely right. India as a parliamentary democracy is facing a very unique challenge – there is no credible opposition. After 2014 General Elections, BJP is on a roll winning Assembly elections after Read more…
Urban India and Rural Bharat
Over the course of next 12 months, India is expected to hold its next round of General Election to elect new Central / Federal Government. Prime Minister Modi won majority mandate in 2014 election and since then BJP has expanded its rule in and now has Government in 22 states. Read more…